Tense Chart in English Grammar

Tenses in English Grammar with Examples and Rules

Tense Chart in English Grammar: नमस्ते! टेंस नाम कि दुनिया में आपका स्वागत है।

क्या आप इंग्लिश बोलने से डरते हो? क्या आप अंग्रेजी बोलने में एक्सपर्ट बनना चाहते हो? अगर हाँ, तो इस लेख को अंत तक पढ़े।

Fluent English बोलना बहुत लोगो का सपने जैसा होता है और बहुत लोग बोल भी रहे हैं।

Fluent English (धाराप्रवाह अंग्रेजी) के साथ साथ आपको correct english की भी पूरी जानकारी होनी चाहिए और बोलनी भी आनी चाहिए। लेकिन दोस्तों मैं आपसे एक सवाल पूछना चाहूँगा।

क्या बिना किसी प्रैक्टिस के और नॉलेज के आप Fluent English बोलना सिख जाओगे?

मुझे पता है आप बोलोगे नहीं ऐसा मुमकिन नहीं है। अगर आप भी Fluent English बोलना चाहते हैं तो आपको टेंस की नॉलेज होना बहुत ज़रूरी है

मै हिमांशु ग्रेवाल आपका स्वागत करता हूँ।

आज के इस लेख में, मै आपको 12 Tenses Formula शेयर करने जा रहा हूँ जो कि आपके लिए बहुत helpful होगा, बस आपको थोड़ा ध्यान देने की ज़रूरत है।

इसे पढ़े: टेंस क्या है और इसे कैसे प्रयोग करते है?


Tense Chart Hindi To English with Example

English Tense Chart in Hindi

Tenses Chart in Hindi

अपने ये तो सुना ही होगा की बोल बोल के पढ़ने से ज्यादा याद होता है इसलिए अब हम इस टेबल को बोल बोल के पढेंगे।

Definition of Tense in English Grammar

English Tense ChartTense एक क्रिया का एक रूप है जिसका उपयोग किसी क्रिया के समय को दिखाने के लिए किया जाता है। उदाहरण के लिए: जब कोई क्रिया हुई।

अंग्रेजी व्याकरण में कितने प्रकार के काल हैं?

Types of Tenses in Hindi

काल (टेन्स) 3 प्रकार के होते हैं

Present Tense वर्तमान काल
Past Tense भूत काल
Future Tense भविष्य काल

प्रत्येक काल को 4 प्रकार के काल में विभाजित किया गया है।

  • Present Tense (वर्तमान काल)
  1. Present Simple Tense
  2. Present Continuous Tense
  3. Present Perfect Tense
  4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Past Tense (भूत काल)
  1. Past Simple Tense
  2. Past Continuous Tense
  3. Past Perfect Tense
  4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Tense (भविष्य काल)
  1. Future Indefinite Tense
  2. Future Continuous Tense
  3. Future Perfect Tense
  4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Must Read: What is verb example with sentence?

English Grammar Verb Tense Chart with Rules and Examples

Structure of Sentences in English Grammar Subject + Formula of Tense + Object Verb
Simple Tense Continuous Tense Perfect Tense Perfect Tense
Present Tense Ist Form + s/es Is/Am/Are + Ist Form + ing Has/Have + IIIrd Form Has/Have Been + Ist Form + ing
Past Tense IInd Form Was/Were + Ist Form + ing Had + IIIrd Form Had Been + Ist Form + ing
Future Tense Will/Shall + Ist Form Will be + Ist Form + ing Will Have + IIIrd Form Will Have Been + Ist Form + ing

प्रत्येक छात्रों को tense rules को याद रखना चाहिए ताकि वे परीक्षा हॉल में किसी भी प्रश्न के उत्तर में सही वाक्य लिख सकें।

यहां हमने tense chart अपडेट करा हैं जो आपकी मदद कर सकता है और परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले आपके प्रश्नों से संबंधित मदद कर सकता है। परीक्षा के कारण, पूर्ण व्याकरण नियम का tense chart यहाँ है।

Present Past Future
I eat the food. _______________ I will eat the food.
I do not eat the food. I did not eat the food. I will not eat the food.
Do I eat the food? Did I eat the food? Will I eat the food?
Why do I eat the food? Why did I eat the food? Why will I eat the food.

Tense Chart एक Tense Formula Chart है जो English Grammar Tense Rules से भरा है।

इतनी प्रैक्टिस के बाद आपको ये तो पता चल ही गया होगा की सेंटेंसेस 4 तरह के होते हैं। Simple, नहीं, क्या और क्यों वाले। चलिए एक उदाहरण की मदद से हम सीखते हैं।

How to Learn English Grammar Rules quick by Tense Chart

जैसा कि छात्र इसे असंभव मानते हैं, लेकिन मैं कहता हूं कि यह बहुत आसान है। नीचे दिए गए स्क्रीनशॉट का आप प्रिंटआउट निकाले और अपने study room में उस प्रिंटआउट को चिपकाए।

क्योंकि जो चीज हमारे सामने होती है, उसको बार बार देखने से वो चीज याद बहुत जल्दी होती है।

Tense Rules Formula Chart

How to Learn English Grammar Rules quick by Tense Chart

(Tense Chart PDF Download in Hindi and English)

Why is English Grammar Rules important you?

यह मत भूलो कि भाषा आपके साथ जाती है जहाँ आप जाते हैं, क्योंकि संचार और लेखन के बिना, आप कुछ भी नहीं हैं इसलिए शीर्ष अंतर्राष्ट्रीय भाषा को हर उस व्यक्ति को जानना चाहिए जो आप सोचते हैं।

सबसे पहले मैं Future Tense Sentences का उदाहरण ले रहा हूँ। बाकि के आपको खुद बनाने होंगे।

सेंटेंसेस है ⇒ मैं दूध पिऊंगा।
  • I will drink the milk.
  • I will not drink milk.
  • Will I drink the milk?
  • Why will I drink the milk.

देखा आपने यह कितना आसान था। मैं अब आपको Past और Present के सेंटेंसेस दे रहा हूँ आप उसे ट्रांसलेट करने की कोशिश कीजिये।

  1. मैं दूध पिता हूँ।
  2. मैं दूध पिता था।

English Grammar Tense in Hindi

चलिए अब थोड़ा विस्तार में हम पढ़ते हैं ‘ता था’ वाले सेंटेंसेस को कैसे बनाना है और इसके रूल्स क्या है।

इतना तो आपको पता ही होगा की ये Past tense के सेंटेंसेस में आता है। एक बात मैं आपको और बताऊ तो पास्ट को आप आ, ई, ए जैसे शब्दों से भी पहचाना जा सकता है।

Helping verb, 'Did' होता है Past में ये तो आपको याद ही होगा।

Tense Tip » Past Simple Tense में हमेशा वर्ब की 2nd form इस्तेमाल होती है।

दूसरे उदाहरण में आपको कर के देता हूँ। इसे आप खुद प्रैक्टिस करना।

  1. मैंने आम खाया ⇒ I ate mango.
  2. मैंने दूध पिया ⇒ I Drunk milk.

Tense Chart with Examples in Hindi (practise time worksheets)

मुझे पता है कि आप बिना चीटिंग के आसानी से इन सेंटेंसेस को ट्रांसलेट कर लेंगे। तो चलिए शुरू करते है।

नोट: आप कमेंट के माध्यम से अपने उत्तर हमे बता सकते हो जिससे हम आपको बता सके की अपने सही ट्रांसलेट किया है या गलत।

  1. मैंने कार चलाया।
  2. मैंने पतंग उड़ाया।
  3. मैं दिल्ली गया।
  4. मैंने पानी पिया।
  5. मैंने खिड़की तोड़ा।

Future Tense के और past tense के simple sentense तो मैंने आपको सिखा दिए है। अब बच गया present tense के simple sentense की जो कि सभी को सबसे आसान लगते हैं।

चलिए उसका भी मैं एक उदाहरण लेकर आपको समझा देता हूँ। फिर आपकी टेंस की दिक्कत खत्म हो जाएगी सिंपल सेंटेंसेस की।

सेंटेंसेस है हमारे पास ⇒ मैं आम खाता हूँ।

Simple Present Tense में हम लिखेंगे:

  • I eat the mango.
  • I do not eat the mango.
  • Do I eat the mango?
  • Why do I eat the mango?

इन वाक्य को और अच्छे से समझने के लिए आप नीचे दी गई टेबल को देख सकते हो।

What are the 12 types of tenses with examples?

यह व्याकरण पाठ आप 12 क्रिया शब्द सीखेंगे जो अंग्रेजी भाषा में हैं। काल का उपयोग उन सभी क्रियाओं के लिए किया जाता है जो अतीत, वर्तमान और भविष्य में हुई कार्रवाई को इंगित करती हैं।

नीचे हम आपको बताएंगे की काल को कैसे और कब उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

12 verb tenses chart with an examples grammar lesson

Past Present Future
Simple I ate pizza yesterday.
Subject + Verb2 + Object
I eat pizza every day.
Subject + Verb1 + Object
I will eat pizza tomorrow.
Subject + ‘will’ + Verb + Object
Continuous I was eating pizza when you arrived.
Subject + ‘was/were’ + (V+ing) + Object
I am eating pizza right now.
Subject + ‘is/am/are’ + (V+ing) + Object
I will be eating pizza when you arrive.
Subject + ‘will be’ + (V+ing) + Object
Perfect I had eaten all of the pizza when you arrived.
Subject + ‘had’ + Verb3 + Object
I have eaten all of the pizza.
Subject + ‘have/has’ + Verb3 + Object
I will have eaten all of the pizza by the time you arrive.
Subject + ‘will/have’ + (Verb3) + Object
Perfect Continuous I had been eating pizza for 2 hours when you arrived.
Subject + ‘had been’ + (V+ing) + Object
I have been eating pizza for 2 hours.
Subject + ‘have/has been’ + (V+ing) + Object
I will have been eating pizza for 2 hours when you arrive.
Subject + ‘will have been’ + (V+ing) + Object
What the 12 verb tenses can be used for
Past Present Future
Simple I ate pizza yesterday.

To indicate a past habit – or an action already completed.

It can be used with or without adverbs of time.

I eat pizza every day.

To express habits or general truth.

To indicate a future event on a designated date as part of a plan or arrangement.

With ‘mental action’ verbs: like, love, want, need, believe, etc.

I will eat pizza tomorrow.

To indicate an action, condition, or circumstance which hasn’t taken place yet.

Continuous I was eating pizza when you arrived.

To indicate uncompleted action of the past (with or without time reference)

To indicate persistent habits of the past (with always, continuously, forever, etc.)

I am eating pizza right now.

To indicate action going on at the time of speaking.

To indicate temporary action which may not be happening at the time of speaking.

With a habitual action verb, especially to indicate a stubborn habit.

I will be eating pizza when you arrive.

To indicate what will be going on at some time in the future.

To indicate planned future events.

Perfect I had eaten all of the pizza when you arrived.

To indicate a completed action of the past that happened before another event took place.

I have eaten all of the pizza.

To indicate past action which is not defined by a time of occurrence.

To indicate an action that started in the past and has continued up until now.

I will have eaten all of the pizza by the time you arrive.

To indicate an action that will be completed before another event taken place.

Perfect Continuous I had been eating pizza for 2 hours when you arrived.

To indicate an action in the past that began before a certain point in the past and continued up until that time.

I have been eating pizza for 2 hours.

To indicate an action that started at some point in the past and may or may not be complete.

I will have been eating pizza for 2 hours when you arrive.

To indicate an action that will have happened for some time and will not be complete yet at a certain point in the future.

Tense Chart in English with Example and Formula
Present Past Future
I eat food. I ate the food. I will eat the food.
I do not eat food. I did not eat the food. I will not eat the food.
Do I eat the food? Did I eat the food? Will I eat food?
Why do I eat the food? Why did I eat the food? Why will I eat the food?

Tense Chart Rules and Examples in Hindi

आईये अब इसकी प्रैक्टिस करते है:

ता है / ती है / ते हैं:

I eat the mango.
I do not eat the mango.
Do I eat the mango?
Why do I eat the mango?
ता था / ती थी / ते थे :- 

I ate the mango.
I did not eat the mango.
Did I eat the mango?
Why did I eat the mango?
गा / गी / गे :-

I will eat the mango.
I will not eat the mango.
Will I eat the mango?
Why will I eat the mango?
Tense Table: Chart of Tenses in English with Examples

1. Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense Examples

  1. I eat Shahi Paneer.
  2. We eat Shahi Paneer.
  3. You eat Shahi Paneer.
  4. He eats Shahi Paneer.
  5. She eats Shahi Paneer.
  6. It eats Shahi Paneer.
  7. They eat Shahi Paneer.

2. Past Simple Tense Examples

  1. I ate Chilli Paneer.
  2. We ate Chilli Paneer.
  3. You ate Chilli Paneer.
  4. He ate Chilli Paneer.
  5. She ate Chilli Paneer.
  6. It ate Chilli Paneer.
  7. They ate Chilli Paneer.

3. Future Simple Tense Examples

  1. I shall traval to London.
  2. We shall traval to London.
  3. You will traval to London.
  4. He will traval to London.
  5. She will traval to London.
  6. It will traval to London.
  7. They will traval to London.

4. Present Continuous Tense

  1. I am eating a Mango.
  2. We are eating Mangoes.
  3. You are eating Mangoes.
  4. He is eating a Mango.
  5. She is eating a Mango.
  6. It is eating a Mango.
  7. They are eating Mangoes.

5. Past Continuous Tense

  1. I was eating a pizza.
  2. We were eating pizzas.
  3. You were eating pizzas.
  4. He was eating a pizza.
  5. She was eating a pizza.
  6. It was eating a pizza.
  7. They were eating pizzas.

6. Future Continuous Tense

  1. I shall be eating banana.
  2. We shall be eating bananas.
  3. You will be eating banana.
  4. He will be eating banana.
  5. She will be eating banana.
  6. It will be eating banana.
  7. They will be eating banana.

7. Present Perfect Tense

  1. I have eaten a banana.
  2. We have eaten banana.
  3. You have eaten banana.
  4. He has eaten a banana.
  5. She has eaten a banana.
  6. It has eaten a banana.
  7. They have eaten banana.

8. Past Perfect Tense

  1. I had eaten Rajma Rice.
  2. We had eaten Rajma Rice.
  3. You had eaten Rajma Rice.
  4. He had eaten Rajma Rice.
  5. She had eaten Rajma Rice.
  6. It had eaten Rajma Rice.
  7. They had eaten Rajma Rice.

9. Future Perfect Tense

  1. I shall have eaten Rajma Rice.
  2. We shall have eaten Rajma Rice.
  3. You will have eaten Rajma Rice.
  4. Ha will have eaten Rajma Rice.
  5. She will have eaten Rajma Rice.
  6. It will have eaten Rajma Rice.
  7. They will have eaten Rajma Rice.

10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I have been eating Rajma Rice.
  2. We have been eating Rajma Rice.
  3. You have been eating Rajma Rice.
  4. He has been eating Rajma Rice.
  5. She has been eating Rajma Rice.
  6. It has been eating Rajma Rice.
  7. They have been eating Rajma Rice.

11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I had been eating Rajma Rice.
  2. We had been eating Rajma Rice.
  3. You had been eating Rajma Rice.
  4. He had been eating Rajma Rice.
  5. She had been eating Rajma Rice.
  6. It had been eating Rajma Rice.
  7. They had been eating Rajma Rice.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. I shall have been eating Rajma Rice.
  2. We shall have been eating Rajma Rice.
  3. You will have been eating Rajma Rice.
  4. He will have been eating Rajma Rice.
  5. She will have been eating Rajma Rice.
  6. It will have been eating Rajma Rice.
  7. They will have been eating Rajma Rice.
Lessons that are related to the lesson on tenses

Present To Learn Indefinite Tense

Perfect Tense Examples in Hindi

How To Use Of Do and Does Sentences

मुझे लगता है की Tense Chart in English Grammar की Table आपके लिए helpful होगी।

अगर आपको अभी इस चैप्टर से सम्बंधित कुछ भी पूछना हो तो आप कमेंट के माध्यम से हमसे पूछ सकते हो और अगर आपको यह लेख पसंद आया हो तो इसको सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करना ना भूले।

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        1. आपको जो कुछ पूछना है आप यही पर पूछ सकते हो जिससे बाकि सभी स्टूडेंट को आपका सवाल पढने से कुछ शिक्षा मिले. 🙂

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  4. Sir
    meri English bahut weak hai aur mai English na to smjh pata hu aur na hi bol pata hu
    aur class me madam English me baat krti hai aur explain bhi English me krti hai
    aap batao Sir ki mai English kaise smjhe aur bole

        1. आप रोज इस साईट पर आये और इंग्लिश के आर्टिकल पढ़े (टेंस, थ्योरी, वर्ड मीनिंग, GD etc)

  5. सेहतमंद स्वास्थ्य के फिटनेस टिप्स says:

    Hi Himanshu,
    Superb explanation for spoken English, as most of us wants to speak in English but due to lack of tense knowledge makes them shy and some times embarrassing, but hope readers of this post will now become more confident and extrovert. Keep this topic alive with more and more examples and help you can provide for English learners and future speakers.

  6. sir agr apke pass tens ka pdf notes hai to plz sir mere e mail me send kr dijiy


  7. Hello sir,
    Mujhe english translation ki bht jyada problem h. Kya ap muje bata sakte h ki me apni is problem ko kese door kr skta hu.

    1. इसको सोल्व करने में थोडा टाइम लगेगा, तो इसके लिए आप अपने फ़ोन में इंग्लिश ट्रांसलेशन एप्प डाउनलोड करलो.

      1. Sorry! But sir you should use all the information in English so that we all understand how to use time word and action plzz .. The rest are giving you a very good knowledge of us..Thank very much.

  8. Thanks for help sir apka ye chart very nice. Sir please kui online job k bare me btaiye. part time job. I need.

  9. Himanshu ji Aapne Bhut Acha Tense Ka Chart Banaya Hai or Bhut hi Saral Tarike Se Samjahaya Hai , Par Kya Aap Sabhi Tense Ko Briefly Samjha Sakte Hai Agar, Please Sabhi Tense Ko Breifly Samjhana Aap Next Time ..

  10. Hello sir
    Kya aap lol website bta sakte hai
    Jisme (form filling. Data typing)
    Karke paise earn kar sakte hai

  11. plz sir help me sir mujhe koi aisi website dedo jisse me aasani se english bolna and samajane lag jau
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  12. Sir me hindi se english me transetion kar sakta hu par koi jab english bolta he to mujhe hindi me conbard nahi kar pa raha hu

  13. Himanshu Grewal sir,
    Thank you
    Tense chart is very useful for SIQE__Class level 1 to 5 and elementary classes all English teacher.

  14. aapki is post se bahut se logo ko english sikhne me help hogi.
    aap aise hi students or jo english sikhna chahte h, unki help kre.
    & I’m always with you sir

    thank u

  15. Hii sir mai thoda confuse hu kuch words ko le kr jaise ( karte-karte,jate-jate,khate-khate etc) i mean (eg. Ram, tum zara khate-khate is paper ko dekh logey?)
    Sir actually mera confusion ye hai ki kya (karte-karte=karte huye)?

  16. Sir, I can speak English few but can’t speak fluent English.
    so what should I do for this.
    Please tell me some salution.

  17. Actually sir aapke itne Sare chapter h m confused hu ki m konsa pahle read karu kha aap sari link step step by step bata sakte ho taki m Sare chapter step by step read ker saku

  18. Sir mujhe koi 1words me present indefinite,past indefinite, future indefinite Yani 3 ko milakar koi 1 indefinite ki pahchan bataiye .Jo 3 tenses se milti hai.

  19. hloo sir i am from india and my name is sunil tanta please sir i want to do improve english langauge .
    but i can speak a litte bit . please sir help me

  20. Helpful post thanks.
    Does any want to learn to speak related grammar so go this given link which is in Hindi as well in easy method?

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